BIOGEN-21 (ORACURE) - TabletsBio 21 tablets - Dr. Masood's Biogen 21 (Oracure) tablets is supportive Homeopathic treatment in teething problems in babies and baby teething symptoms appearing during dentition in infants. Bio 21 tablets teething is effective remedy for baby teething. Bio 21 tablets uses are to...
- Rs.550.00
- Rs.550.00
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- per
BIOGEN-22 (PUSONEX)Indicated for the supportive treatment in scrofulous abcesses. Effective in glandular swelling and tubercular glandular enlargement. Useful in skin diseases and support healing process. Covers all the disturbing symptoms of the disease. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-23 (RHEUTEN)Indicated for the supportive treatment in toothache. Used in hard swelling of jaw bone and gum boil. Helpful in unnatural loosing of tooth from their sockets. Effective in the neuralgic and rheumatic toothache. Also covers complaints of teething children. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-24 (NEURODOL)Specially indicated in weakness after prolonged diseases. It is a nerve and brain tonic. Relieves the symptoms associated with mental & physical exhaustion. Effective in general debility and weakness. Helpful in forgetfulness. Also has a role in nerve reflexes and useful for cramping of...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-25 (GASTROFIX)Masood's BIOGEN 25 is Indicated for the supportive treatment in dyspepsia, acidity and flatulence. Homeopathic medicine, Helpful in gastric troubles like heart burn, flatulence and belching. Useful in bilious vomiting and bloated abdomen. Used in inflammation of intestinal membranes. BioGen 25, Effectively covers all...
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-26 (PREGNO-EZE)Indicated as a supportive for easy child birth. Use to decrease distress of child birth. Assist in the development and health of child. It may also prevents miscarriage. Also greatly relieves the labor pains. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-27 (REVITONEX)Indicated for the supportive treatment in weakness and debility. Effective in lack of vitality and in trembling. Used for increasing sexual libido. Improves the vital force. Also helpful in night fall, impotence and after effects of loss of vital fluids. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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BIOGEN-28 (RECOVROMAX)Indicated in general debility, weakness and other debilitating diseases recovering from fever, pneumonia and diarrhea etc. Boost the immunity and prevent from diseases. Suitable for weak and old people. Supplies the necessary tissue nutrients to the body. Keeps the metabolism healthy. PRESENTATION: 20 g
- Rs.310.00
- Rs.310.00
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